About Nexgen® Seeds:
Our Passion for Quality Seeds

Discover the story behind Nexgen® Seeds and our commitment to providing the highest quality seeds for farmers and gardeners. Learn more about our mission and values on our About Us page.

We Have One Goal

To provide the Highest Quality
Open pollinated and Hybrid Vegetable seeds.

Nexgen® Seeds is a leading provider of high-quality, genetically modified seeds for the agricultural industry. Our mission is to provide farmers with the best possible seeds to grow crops that are more resistant to pests and diseases, and have higher yields. We are committed to using the latest technology and scientific research to develop seeds that are both environmentally friendly and cost-effective. Our team of experts is dedicated to providing exceptional customer service and support to our clients. We strive to be a trusted partner in helping farmers around the world meet their growing needs. Choose Nexgen® Seeds for reliable, innovative, and sustainable agricultural solutions.

Our Discovery

At Nexgen® Seeds Discovery, we are a team of passionate scientists dedicated to advancing agriculture through innovative seed technology. Our mission is to empower farmers with the highest quality seeds and to improve crop yields and sustainability. With over a decade of experience in seed research and development, we strive to provide the best solutions for modern agriculture. Contact us today to learn more about our cutting-edge seed technology.

Nexgen® Seeds is a leading provider of high-quality, sustainable seeds for farmers and the environment. Our innovative solutions ensure maximum yield and minimum environmental impact. With over 10 years of experience, we have built a reputation for excellence in the industry. We are committed to meeting the evolving needs of our customers while contributing to a healthier planet. Choose Nexgen® Seeds for a brighter, more sustainable future.

Our Mission

Nexgen® Seeds mission is to revolutionize the agricultural industry by providing high-quality, genetically superior seeds that produce better yields and increase profitability for farmers. We are committed to sustainability and innovation, using cutting-edge technology to develop crops that are resistant to pests and diseases. Our goal is to help farmers grow healthier, more abundant crops while minimizing their environmental impact. Choose Nexgen® Seeds for a brighter, more sustainable future.

Nexgen® Seeds’ mission is to provide farmers with high-quality, genetically advanced seeds that produce consistent yields. We strive to improve agriculture through innovation and technology, while maintaining a commitment to sustainability and environmental responsibility. Our team of experts is dedicated to helping farmers maximize their profits and achieve success. Choose Nexgen® Seeds for your next planting season and experience the difference.

Grown With Love on Our Farms

Nexgen® Seeds is a leading provider of high-quality seeds for growers worldwide. Our seeds are grown with love and care, resulting in healthy, vigorous plants that produce exceptional yields. We are committed to sustainability and innovation, and our team of experts is dedicated to helping growers achieve success. Choose Nexgen® Seeds for reliable, high-performance seeds that will take your growing operation to the next level.

Mr. Sushil Kr. Singh

Founding Director

The Daunfarm Team

Jane Wilson

Sem sed molestie donec nulla vitae nisl tellus tincidunt tincidunt facilisi vel neque mauris arcu potenti faucibus quis.

Laura Kyle

Senectus at nec vulputate arcu id facilisi urna scelerisque elementum, odio integer faucibus tincidunt augue vitae, sed fermentum.

Daniel Oscar

Massa risus dignissim faucibus viverra non odio nisi quis aliquam quisque nunc, mattis amet risus amet urna semper.

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